On 03/08/2015 18:37, John Marshall wrote:
Problems with one of my scripts appear to have been caused by dash's read -r 
translating escape sequences (like \t) whereas several other shells read them 
literally.  For example:

$ printf '%s' '\a\t\x' > backslashes
$ dash -c 'read -r foo < backslashes; echo "$foo"' | cat -t
$ bash -c 'read -r foo < backslashes; echo "$foo"' | cat -t
$ ksh -c 'read -r foo < backslashes; echo "$foo"' | cat -t

You're using echo to print what gets assigned to foo, but backslashes are not portable with echo. You probably noticed that already since you're using printf to determine what gets saved in the backslashes file. If you also use printf "%s\n" "$foo", you'll see that read works as you expect.

Harald van Dijk
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