I have a model named Fact. A fact belongs to many other models and holds 
some attributes. Think of it as a data-warehouse fact table.

class Fact
  include DataMapper::Resource

  belongs_to :patientposition, :key => true
  belongs_to :controlpointcount, :key => true
  belongs_to :radiationtype, :key => true
  belongs_to :collimatormovement, :key => true
  belongs_to :beamcount, :key => true
  belongs_to :marctype, :key => true

  property :valid, Boolean, :required => true, :default => true
  property :marctestdate_count, Integer, :required => true, :default => 0
  property :realvortest1_count, Integer, :required => true, :default => 0

  timestamps :at

All of the other models are described in the same way:
class *Name*
  include DataMapper::Resource
  property :id,  Serial
  property :value, String, :required => true
  validates_uniqueness_of :value

If I want to first_or_create a fact issuing e.g.
Fact.first_or_create("patientposition_id"=>2, "controlpointcount_id"=>3, 
"radiationtype_id"=>1, "collimatormovement_id"=>1, "beamcount_id"=>4, 

I get this error (which renders me helpless):

*wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)*
`block in _save'
`block in save'

This error appears whether I use the ids or the actual model instance 
queried from the database. 

Any hints or ideas?


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