Hi everyone,

We are using DataMapper in our application. A few days ago the following 
started happening: when we do a save or update on a DataMapper Resource, 
we'll get the following:

undefined method `eager_load' for 

I have tried to reproduce it with irb with no success. This is happening 
way inside of a participant we're loading with ruote, using DataMapper 
1.2.0. It seems to happen randomly, i.e., on a run it might happen on one 
resource, on another run it might happen on a different one.

This is the definition of one of the offending Resources:

class Slot
  include DataMapper::Resource
  property :id, Serial
  property :station, Integer
  property :slotnumber, Integer
  property :firmwareversion, String, :length=>255
  property :hardwareversion, String, :length=>255
  property :mechanicalversion, String, :length=>255
  property :chargertype, String, :length=>255
  property :statusledred, Boolean
  property :statusledgreen, Boolean
  property :statuscharging, Boolean
  property :statusopen, Boolean
  property :statusclosed, Boolean
  property :statusoccupied, Boolean
  property :lastalarm, String, :length=>4096
  property :lastalarmtimestamp, DateTime
  property :status, String, :length=>255
  property :comments, Text
  property :blocked, Boolean

Here is the backtrace:

 "org/jruby/RubyArray.java:1615:in `each'"   
`consume'"    "org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:2080:in `send'"   
`participant_send'"    "org/jruby/RubyArray.java:1615:in `each'"   
`do_threaded_dispatch'"    "org/jruby/RubyProc.java:270:in `call'"
 "org/jruby/RubyProc.java:224:in `call'"]

The only DataMapper require is a single require 'data_mapper', we aren't 
requiring dm-validations (or even mentioning it in the Gemfile). The 
offending line in contextual_validators.rb is:

        resource.__send__(:eager_load, properties_to_load)

I went in and added some logging for the resource and 

resource: #<Slot @id=8 @station=1 @slotnumber=1 @firmwareversion="" 
@hardwareversion="" @mechanicalversion="" @chargertype="TEST" 
@statusledred=nil @statusledgreen=nil @statuscharging=false 
@statusopen=false @statusclosed=false @statusoccupied=false @lastalarm="" 
@lastalarmtimestamp=nil @status="FREE" @comments=<not loaded> 
properties_to_load:[#<DataMapper::Property::Text @model=Slot 
@name=:comments>, #<DataMapper::Property::Text @model=Slot @name=:comments>]

Any ideas? Thanks!

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