I am unable to insert binary values into a Postgres bytea column using the 
JDBC version of do_postgres (I'm using JRuby in 1.9 mode).  I have 
an InterviewForm model that I am trying to create records for, which has a 
formImage column that is a bytea (it's actually a custom Postgres type 
"ImageT" that wraps bytea).  This is the model definition:

class InterviewForm
  include DataMapper::Resource
  storage_names[:default] = 'InterviewForm'

  property :interview_id, String,  :field => 'interviewId', :key => true
  property :form_seq_no,  Integer, :field => 'formSeqNo',   :key => true
  property :file_name,    String,  :field => 'fileName'
  property :size,         Integer
  property :sha_256_hash, String,  :field => 'sha256Hash',  :length => 64
  property :form_image,   Binary,  :field => 'formImage'


I tried using the usual DataMapper InterviewForm.create method:

require 'open-uri'

blob_string = open('http://www.adobe.com/misc/pdfs/sssheep_chptr3.pdf'){|f| 
InterviewForm.create(:interview_id => 1,
                     :form_seq_no  => 1,
                     :file_name    => "foo.pdf"
                     :size         => blob_string.size,
=> Digest::SHA256.new.hexdigest(blob_string),
                     :form_image   => ::Extlib::ByteArray.new(blob_string))

that initially gave me a validation error - "Form image must be at most 50 
characters long," so I added :length => 2000000000 and :lazy => trueproperties 
to the 
:form_image property.  After that, I got the following error for the same 

DataObjects::SQLError: ERROR: column "formImage" is of type "ImageT" but 
expression is of type character varying
  Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.

I tried all kinds of variations of wrapping the :form_image value in 
::Extlib::ByteArray but have not been able to get around this error. 
 Therefore, I decided to drop down into a raw prepared statement:

require 'open-uri'

blob_string = open('http://www.adobe.com/misc/pdfs/sssheep_chptr3.pdf'){|f| 
InterviewForm.repository.adapter.execute('INSERT INTO "InterviewForm" 
("interviewId", "formSeqNo", "fileName", "size", "sha256Hash", "formImage") 
VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',

However this also errors out.  The error is:

DataObjects::SQLError: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type bytea (code: 0, 
sql state: 22P02, query: INSERT INTO "InterviewForm" ("interviewId", 
"formSeqNo", "fileName", "size", "sha256Hash", "formImage") VALUES('1', 
'1', 'foo.pdf', '869245', 
'34abd7142491c988bd15515ee74ab5b0ef426994477363508c820634a6edc962', '<bunch 
of binary data>'), uri: )

This error leads me to believe that prepared statements for ByteArrays are 
not being escaped as I can replicate the above error by just trying to 
insert a single \ character:

InterviewForm.repository.adapter.execute('INSERT INTO "InterviewForm" 
("interviewId", "formSeqNo", "fileName", "size", "sha256Hash", "formImage") 
VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',

If I use the plain prepared statements, am I responsible for escaping the 
data on my own?  What is the easiest way to do that - try and find the 
right method from the JDBC driver itself?  Postgres has some vendor-specific 
bytea columns so I'd rather not have to re-invent it myself if possible.

My Gemfile looks like this:

# Postgres databases
gem "pg", "~> 0.14.0", :platforms => :ruby
gem "jdbc-postgres", "~> 9.1.901", :platforms => :jruby
# Use pre-release (1.3.0.beta) versions of DM due to multi_json dependency 
gem "data_mapper"
gem "dm-postgres-adapter", :git => 
gem "dm-do-adapter",       :git => 
gem "dm-core",             :git => 'git://github.com/datamapper/dm-core.git'
gem "dm-aggregates",       :git => 
gem "dm-migrations",       :git => 
gem "dm-transactions",     :git => 
gem "dm-serializer",       :git => 
gem "dm-timestamps",       :git => 
gem "dm-validations",      :git => 
gem "dm-types",            :git => 

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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