I am generating a web page that will ultimately display a lot of 
content--perhaps something like 50 categories each with 20 subjects each 
with 10 photos. I am devising a caching strategy both at the database layer 
and the UI layer, but I had a question about the former I want to pose to 
the experts here.

So the association would look something *display.categories.subjects.photos. 
*It seems to me just eyeballing that *display.categories.subjects* will be 
an expensive call I would like to cache.

Imagine the following category model:

class Category
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id, Serial
  has n, :subjects

  def subjects
     Rails.cache.fetch(self.id) { attribute_get(:subjects) #or something }

Basically I want to override *subjects* so that I grab the cache of it if 
available. Otherwise, execute *subjects* as it 
would normally without the override to return the association from a 
database query.

However, no matter what I try-- attribute_get, super, various combinations 
of each--I can't manage to solve this. I really don't want to have a second 
method to expose the cached association and betray those implementation 
details to my client code.

Any ideas on this are appreciated.


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