I am primarily a PHP developer, but recently I came across a Ruby project 
and was excited about it.

I got my self in to a Sinatra project where things I needed were supposed 
to be already plugged. It even had the models. It uses SQLite for 
development. I am trying to create some initial data to work on the rest of 
the project. I have been able to populate the database, but the decimal 
fields are remaining nil.

Here is what I am trying to do:

  behzad = User.create({
    type:                  :lender,
    email:                 'beh...@abc.co',
    password:              'password',
    password_confirmation: 'password',
    is_active:             true,
    created_at:            Time.new - 60*60*24*12,
    last_login_at:         Time.new,

  i1 = Investment.create({
    user: behzad,
    amount: 500.00,
    rate: 10.000000,
    delay: 1,
    flag: true,
    created_at: Time.new - 60*60*24*30*3,

Every thing is alright, except the amount and rate...

To print things I wrote this

ap object.errors.inspect.split("@")

It outputs the following.

    [ 0] "#<DataMapper::Validations::ValidationErrors:0xb0cf200 ",
    [ 1] "resource=#<User ",
    [ 2] "id=1 ",
    [ 3] "created_at=#<DateTime: 2013-05-27T22:55:03+05:30 
((2456440j,62703s,0n),+19800s,2299161j)> ",
    [ 4] "last_login_at=#<DateTime: 2013-06-08T22:55:03+05:30 
((2456452j,62703s,0n),+19800s,2299161j)> ",
    [ 5] "type=:lender ",
    [ 6] "is_active=true ",
    [ 7] "email=\"behzad",
    [ 8] "abc.co\" ",
    [ 9] 
    [10] "errors={}>"

    [0] "#<DataMapper::Validations::ValidationErrors:0xb0fff90 ",
    [1] "resource=#<Investment ",
    [2] "id=1 ",
    [3] "created_at=#<DateTime: 2013-03-10T22:55:03+05:30 
((2456362j,62703s,0n),+19800s,2299161j)> ",
    [4] "amount=nil ",
    [5] "rate=nil ",
    [6] "delay=1 ",
    [7] "flag=true ",
    [8] "user_id=1>, ",
    [9] "errors={}>"
Note: right on top - *ValidationError* and the rate and amount are nil. I 
wrapped them in try catch blocks but had no success.

I first thought it could be the decimal value and sqlite. But then the why 
would the *User *object be showing validation errors?

Do I need to put the user class here for you to make a guess. By what I 
understand user class is populated properly. It has many relations though. 
One such relation is investment.

Thanks in advance.

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