I use DataMapper (1) as part of a couple of Rack apps and generally find it 
works beautifully.

For development, I use Rack::Reloader, so that I can just change a source 
file and not have to bother restarting the Rack app. However, this has a 
habit of throwing an exception related to DM's associations. Typically I'll 
get something like this:

ArgumentError: +options[:field]+ entry :site_id does not map to a property 
in Marker
`block in assert_valid_fields'
`block in assert_valid_options'
`block in query_for'
/Users/richard/Code/avanti_kite/model/marker.rb:154:in `bbox_search'

The association is this:
belongs_to :site, :required => false

and it's being called like this in marker.rb/154:

but this isn't a one-off - it happens in my other apps too. It always 
happens on the first refresh after Rack has reloaded the app.

It's not fatal - I can always manually restart the app - but it's a PITA. 
Any thoughts?


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