
One way to make the data easier to work with is to convert the Shapefile to 
GeoJSON <http://geojson.org/> or TopoJSON 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoJSON#TopoJSON>. This online tool MapShaper 
<http://www.mapshaper.org/> lets you upload a Shapefile, perform line 
simplification if you want to (to reduce file size), and export to GeoJSON 
or TopoJSON.

Once you have the data in TopoJSON format, you can use D3 
<https://d3js.org/> to color regions. Here are some examples: India Map in 
D3 <http://bl.ocks.org/JohnCoogan/1531818>, Map of India's Parliamentary 
Constitiencies, 2014 <http://bl.ocks.org/mukhtyar/9958903>.

Best regards,

On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 11:58:11 AM UTC+5:30, Manas Sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> Umm... but when I isolated (as in removed the other features apart from 
> tamil nadu) in the India_AC.shp file from that link in QGIS , there were 
> only 165 left. 
> What am i missing?
> Thanks,
> Manas
> On Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 8:02:02 PM UTC+5:30, Manas Sharma wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I got the shape file  of the assembly constituencies of India from the 
>> repo of datameet on github.
>> My question is that is there any way I could get/separate the 
>> constituencies of only a particular state from the given shape file?
>> Also, after that how do i colour individual constituencies with a 
>> particular colour?
>> Thanks a lot for the help :)

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