OpenAQ (, in partnership with Care for Air, (, an
independent clean air awareness and advocacy platform, is coming to New
Delhi to introduce our open-source global air quality data platform ( and convene a diverse and passionate group of open air
quality data enthusiasts! We'll hold sessions for participants to introduce
the platform and what others in our community around the world are already
building. But most importantly, most of the workshop will consist of
sessions where participants will brainstorm together new ways to use open
data to fight 'air inequality' in Delhi, India and the world. The workshop
will be collaborative, fun, and impactful.

We're looking for 30 software developers, air pollution + health experts
(atmospheric scientists to epidemiologists to medical doctors),
journalists, artists, policy-oriented individuals, government air quality
folks, students, and open environmental data lovers to join us. Most of
all, we're looking for people willing to genuinely connect and work with
others outside of their sector to build awesome stuff. That's where we
think the magic happens.

Register before Oct 22nd

Srinivas Kodali

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