I am quite new to this forum and my question may be rather easy to answer,
but it would be a big help for my work.
I have to do a multilevel-Analysis and wanted to cluster the variables on
the second level.
The problem is, that I am not quite sure, if I really understand what to do
As help I used following website:   http://www.sthda.com/

My second level identifier are:
o    Leadership construct
o    Unpublished (Whether it was published or not)
o    Publicationtype
o    Meta_N (N of metaanalysis)
o    Outcome_alpha
o    Lead_alpha (Leadership alpha)
o    Country (In which the study was conducted)
o    Bsetting (Businesssetting, which job area was asked)

How to start now ?. I am thinking that I don't really understand the method
of clustering at all and I am freaking out a bit, as I have noone at
University to ask.

If there is any information missing, I'm sorry in advance and I'm more than
willing to give additional information as soon as possible for me.

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