I have been given a dataframe with 50+ fields. My job is to find the fields
which are dependent and independent of each other. Most of the fields are
categorical variable and have different levels. For example - below table
shows different levels for each field Sex:2, Color:4, Geography:3, ID:8.
Now, how can I do regression/correlation on them ? Clearly, we see that all
Males have Red color and their Geography is North. What analysis I need to
do to get these kind of insights? I tried few things but could not figure
out the right way. 

Idea is to develop a system where few of the fields are automatically filled
based on the information entered in other fields, like if we enter Sex as
Male,Geography is automatically North. Thanks!

**Sex**    **Color**    **Geography**    **ID**
 Male         Red                     North                100
 Male         Red                     North                200
 Male         Red                     North                300
 Male              Red                   North             400
 Male         Blue                    North                500
 Female       Green                   South                600
 Female       Green                  
 Female                               East                 800
 Female       Yellow                  North                900

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