On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Nick Tonkin wrote:

> Umm, improper grammar caused by hasty response caused by a teensy-weensy
> overdose of hubris? Everyone is in awe of your commitment and energy, Dave
> ... sometimes you're becoming a bit short with folks, though ...

Sorry.  I get frustrated when people respond only to my message, without
reading the long thread it's in.  I'll be more polite in the future.

> You wouldn't have to type that more than once, would you? Any code that
> needs to be used more than once should be wrapped in a sub anyway. And
> besides,
> my $dt = DateTime->parser('MySQL')->from_datetime( $mysql_dt_string );
> appears to be longer than
> my $dt = DateTime::Formats::MySQL->parse( $mysql_dt_string );
> as well as less clear.

Hmm, maybe.  But then I wondered what if we need to give arguments to the
parser or formatter, and don't want to give them on every parse/format
call.  Which means that they should be object, not class methods, and the
constructor would receive those "permanent" arguments.

> > It also has the additional side effect of allowing you to create and hold
> > onto formatters and parsers.
> Not an issue if you write a three-line function.

Sure, but maybe useful in the above case.

Ok, how about this then:

 my $format = DateTime::Formats::MySQL->new( ... );

 my $dt = $format->parse_datetime( $mysql_dt );

 $format->as_timestamp( $dt, length => 8 );
 # although I dislike mixing position and named params so maybe ...
 $format->as_timestamp( datetime => $dt, length => 8 );


House Absolute Consulting

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