On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, John Peacock wrote:

> No, it's clear that the modules are deeply intertwined.  My primary concern is
> that it is currently impossible to install both on a fresh machine without
> skipping the tests on one of the two (at least to begin with).  In my mind,
> DateTime is the parent module (and DateTime::TimeZone is the crazy cousin ;) and
> should be installed first.  DT::TZ should be dependent on DT, IMHO, not the
> other way round.

That's probably true.

> The DateTime tests do not fully exercise DateTime::TimeZone (nor would you
> expect them to).  So, how about including only those portions of DT::TZ which
> are required to pass the DT tests.  At a quick glance, that would be
> TimeZone.pm, UTC.pm, Floating.pm, America/Chicago.pm, and America/NewYork.pm.
> For that matter, since you know exactly what tests are being performed, you can
> include exactly the portions of the OlsonDB that are used in the DateTime tests
> and no more.

It seems rather arbitrary to only include Chicago and New York.  I can
just see all the questions about why the others aren't included!

It might be best to just skip those tests if the DateTime::TimeZone
package isn't installed, though.

> The TimeZone.pm that would be distributed with DateTime could be suitably
> booby-trapped (i.e. warn "You must install the full DateTime::TimeZone before
> using this module").  It would be replaced by the full version after DT::TZ was
> tested and installed.

Or distribute everything _but_ the generated files and
DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB.  That way you could do offset only and
floating time zone stuff, but to do the historical/rules-based stuff you
install a separate package.

> I would also suggest that the base DateTime::TimeZone release only needs to
> contain stub modules for the data files and the Makefile.PL should actually be
> responsible for generating the multitude of PM's prior to testing.  You could
> even include a preamble to Makefile.PL which would download the latest Olson
> file (if you want to make the installation dependent on Net::FTP).  For those
> that don't have Net::FTP installed, the Makefile.PL could request that they
> independently download the Olson files themselves and expand them into a top
> level OlsonDB directory and rerun 'perl Makefile.PL' to build the TZ files.

Now that's a PITA!

It depends on Net::FTP _and_ Archive::Zip (the TZ data is in a zip file).
Too much work for now at least.


House Absolute Consulting

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