On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Dan Sully wrote:

> 0.13     2003-05-05
> - DateTime now does more validation of parameters given to
>   constructors and to the set() method, so bogus values like a month of
>   13 are a fatal error.
> I'm not entirely sure I'd call this an improvement.

This has been beaten to death in the archives, but once again for the
record, it's going to stay like this.

>         my $month = 12;
>         my $dt1 = DateTime->new('month' => $month, 'year' => 2002);
>         print join(' ', $dt1->ymd(), $dt1->hms()) . "\n";
>         ####
>         my $dt2 = DateTime->new('month' => $month + 1, 'year' => 2002, 'second' => 
> -1);
>         print join(' ', $dt2->ymd(), $dt2->hms()) . "\n";
> To get the beginning and ending times of a month:
>         2002-12-01 00:00:00
>         2002-12-31 23:59:59
> How would one do this with >= 0.13 releases?

 my $dt1 = DateTime->new( month => $month, year => 2002 );

 my $dt2 = $dt1->clone->add( months => 1 )->subtract( seconds => 1 );

There are several variations on the above that'd work.

> This seems like useful functionality to me.

No, it seems like a way to encourage people to write really weird code
that doesn't really demonstrate their _intent_.  The next person after you
to read the code you posted will be sitting there think "second = -1,
WTF?".  If they read the code above, they'll think "datetime math, ok".


House Absolute Consulting

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