On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Dave Rolsky wrote:

> I don't mind the idea of adding a compare() class method that accepts a
> base datetime and uses DateTime->now, per Rick's suggestion.

I proposed something just short of this *months* ago and nobody even responded to my 

DT::Q could be either used by this 'compare' class or be extended to include 
comparison operators.  Two DT::Q objects could be compared deterministically.


> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Nov 14 17:40:01 2003
> Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 16:02:09 -1000 (HST)
> From: Joshua Hoblitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: DateTime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [RFC] DateTime::Quantitative was Re: Subtraction Broken?
> I'm not too sure about the name.  I wanted to make sure it couldn't be confused with 
> DateTime::Duration and still be meaningful.
> Is this the best approach?  I can't see this type of functionality being cleanly 
> implemented in DT::Duration.
> -J
> --
> DateTime::Quantitative - returns duration values normalized to a fixed point in time
> ->new( datetime => $dt, duration => $dtd )
> Like DT::Duration it would provide:
> ->years;
> ->months;
> ->weeks;
> ->days;
> ->hours;
> ->minutes;
> ->seconds;
> ->nanoseconds;
> ->sign;
> ->is_positive
> ->is_zero
> ->is_negative
> In addition:
> ->clone
> ->datetime
> ->duration
> returns the component object
> If DT::Q is mutable (might not be a good idea) it would also include:
> ->set_datetime( object => $dt )
> ->set_duration( object => $dtd )
> updates the component object
> No math operators would be overloaded but perhaps stringification would be allowed.

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