Eugene van der Pijll schreef:
>     use DateTime::Format::Epoch::DotNet;
>     my $formatter = DateTime::Format::Epoch::DotNet->new();
>     my $dt2 = DateTime->new( year => 100, month => 1, day => 1 );
>     print $formatter->format_datetime( $dt2 ), "\n";

I've just released DT::F::Epoch v0.06. This now works.

> Do you know if leap seconds are included in this count? (Or: can you
> give an example of a ticks value in the year 2003, for example?)

I've assumed that leap seconds are skipped, as the specification of the
.NET datetime type allows the values 0 to 59 for the seconds. (Are we
the only ones who can get this right?)


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