Hi Graciliano,

On Sun, 21 Mar 2004, Graciliano M. P. wrote:

> I have just released the module Date::Object, that in the first view is an
> alternative to DateTime, at least for the most common things when handling
> dates.

It nice to see that the DateTime project has become so well known. :)

> http://search.cpan.org/~gmpassos/Date-Object-0.01/
> The main pourpose is to handle dates using a single object or make multiple
> "Date::Object"s work together to calculate and handle dates.
> Other main poupose of Date::Object is to find a simple way to store dates in
> a persistent enverioment (any database) using a simple INTEGER field.

Did you see C<DateTime::epoch> and C<DateTime::from_epoch> in the DateTime.pm pod?

> The use of a INTEGER field for that make possible searches in the DB by
> ranges, what is impossible with normal storages of dates, specially if they
> are saved as STRING, generally in the comon format of "YYYY-MM-DD". Also an
> INTEGER field have all the informations of a date, including year, month,
> day, hour, minute, second and timezone. Other good thing is that any DB
> supports INTEGER fields, what doesn't make our Perl code dependent of the
> SQL nuances of each different way to handle dates of each DB.

I don't know of any 'SQL' database that can't search on time ranges.  Although, it is 
true that these functions are generally extensions to ANSI SQL.

> Internally Date::Object has a simple architecture and is small compared to
> other Date modules, since all is based in the time() (all the seconds from
> 1970-1-1) of the object. Soo, each object has it's own time value and
> timezone, and from this 2 values any information is calculated. Soo, change
> only 2 values make all the work easier to create the module and move the
> date through the timeline, and with simple methods is possible to add/remove
> days, weeks, months, years, and make comparations.

That first statement is incorrect.  The behavior of C<time> is platform specific.  In 
your database example above, you'd have to make sure all the platforms accessing the 
database use the same epoch.  For a solution to this problem please see 

The timezone handling is completely broken.  Despite the fact C<isdst> is in the API 
only offsets from GMT are supported.  This means there is _NO_ way to tell if changing 
timezones also causes a DST change

UTC is not supported but in fairness support for it isn't claimed.

The data math is also broken in many ways.  The algorithm for calculating leap years 
(year / 4) is incorrect.  A lot of mutators show very primitive behavior.  If I add 1 
month to January 31st what is the date?

I've just skimmed through the code so I'm sure I missed errors.  Getting date and time 
handling _correct_ is really, really, really hard.  (Insert the standard plug for Dave 
Rolsky's DateTime.pm here)

> As any other author that releases a new module, I'm asking for some feedback
> about the module.

I'm sorry if this sound harsh but you've created another typical C<Date::*> module.  
There is a reason why getting DateTime and the related modules _correct_ took (and is 
taking) so much labor.  I don't think many people are cognizant of the complexity that 
lurks behind seemly simple issues in this domain.

I encourage you and anyone else that are considering writing a date and/or time 
handling module to discuss it on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.




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