On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, Ken Burcham wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] DateTime-0.21]# make
> Makefile:96: *** missing separator.  Stop.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] DateTime-0.21]#
> hmm...  So not to be deterred, I looked at line 96 of the
> makefile and here's the weird stuff I find:
> 94:installhtml1dir=''
> 95:installhtml3dir=''
> 96:installman1
> 98:INSTALLVENDORBIN = /usr/bin'
> (line numbers mine)...  So notice the hanging apostrophe on line
> 98...  there are many lines with unmatched apostrophes...  So I
> did what anyone who doesn't have a clue would do and edited the
> Makefile and took out all of the 'extra' apostrophes...

Woah, that is weird.  I think you may have a broken Config.pm file, which
is the module that Perl uses to store information about the system it was
compiled on.  This info is used to generate these makefiles.  You might
want to check that file out and see if contains something like "/usr/bin'"
with that extra apostrophe.

Also, maybe try upgrading to the latest version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker and
see if that fixes anything.


House Absolute Consulting

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