On 7/16/04 5:58 PM, David Wheeler wrote:
> On Jul 16, 2004, at 2:52 PM, John Siracusa wrote:
>> And I cringe at APIs with 50 methods that begin with set_ and 50 more that
>> begin with get_.  I have to mentally filter out the prefix noise when trying
>> to look up methods based on the part that is the most relevant to the API
>> (e.g. "day")  It's like Hungarian notation for APIs, and Hungarian notation
>> and Perl are an extremely poor fit for each other.  (I Know, I have worked on
>> much too much Perl code with variables like $rarhTurnips.)
> That's a documentation problem.

I was also referring to the function pop-up menu in my editor, which I
arrange alphabetically (am I the only one who sometimes uses code as
documentation? :), but these are all secondary effects of the primary
offense of Hungaran-ism in the API (apologies to any Hungarians...blame your
countryman at MS ;)

>> Anyway, Dave hates it, so I guess I should just be glad that there's a day()
>> method at all rather than a set_day() method... ;)
> True enough...except for set_time_zone(), this is true, as near as I
> can see.

I meant to type get_day() instead of set_day().  Anyway, that was your cue
to reply, "Oh no, I'm still open to suggestions.  Tell me more."  Ah well ;)


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