On Sat, 24 Jul 2004, Flatman wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Rolsky) wrote:
> >
> > Probably.  But the DateTime API is _very_ different from Date::{Pc,C}alc.
> >
> Guess I should ask which one is written nicest ;-)
> I checked the DateTime API a little . Seems there are lots off functions
> I wouldn't even have thinked about ... Very nice job !
> What is the future ? DateTime replacing Date::Calc ?

Well, my goal for DateTime has always been that it should be the last
datetime module you ever need, but I doubt it'll replace any of the
existing ones.  Nothing gets replaced in the Perl world, some thing just
get better mindshare while others lose some.


House Absolute Consulting

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