On Tue, 5 Jul 2005, Geoffrey Young wrote:

again, not arguing over which is better, but having _all_ the zone data
cached had the appearance of being wasteful for us - for the most part we
would be converting between _maybe_ a dozen time zones tops, more likely
around the 6 or so surrounding the US and UK.  so being able to cache only
the data we know we needed would have gone a long way toward making people
_feel_ like DT was lean.

This is why I think the biggest win for memory would be having XS based time zones. This would also help speed somewhat, but I think the memory savings could be very, very substantial.

If you look at the compiled Olson DB bits used by libc, they're fairly small binary files (<1-2k usually). I think it'd be possible to get the DT::TimeZone stuff down to around this size per zone if we could use C structs and XS, rather than simply using XS to manipulate Perl data structures (which is faster but saves no memory).


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