On Wed, 10 Aug 2005, Flavio S. Glock wrote:

I'm debugging a new failure in DateTime::Set t/15time_zone.t.
It fails with an infinite loop in this recurrence:

 my $months = DateTime::Set->from_recurrence(
                recurrence => sub {
                   $_[0]->truncate( to => 'month' )->add( months => 1 );
            ->set_time_zone( 'Asia/Taipei' );

After adding the following debugging code:

 my $dt = $_[0]->clone;
 print $dt->datetime,'T',$dt->hms,"\n";
 $dt->truncate( to => 'month' );
 print $dt->datetime,'T',$dt->hms,"\n";
 print $dt->datetime,'T',$dt->hms,"\n";
 print "\n";

I got:



2001-12-01 + 1 month = 2001-12-31

Date math + time zones is somewhat borken right now.

I've been thinking about this and come to the conclusion that to not surprise _anyone_ we need to have separate math methods that distinguish between the local & UTC datetimes, because sometimes people want one and sometimes they want the other. I think we may also want to mark durations as applying to UTC or local.

There were several recent bugs related to this that I "fixed" but the fix then broke other types of math, and the house of cards came tumbling down ;)

I'll make a separate post detailing my proposed API changes.


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