You've got the wrong suspects.  RT::Date is part of the RT product.

There are instructions on where to send a bug report here:



On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 12:24:53AM -0700, wk.Fung wrote:
> Hi,
> Please forgive me if I've wrongly posted the message.
> I've encountered some difficulties while moving my program from FC2 to
> FC4. And it happens to have the following errors ...
> I've googled it and some people has mentioned that the wrong ISO format
> triggered this error. But I question is, it used to work before Perl
> version 5.8.6. I don't get it why this time it couldn't work.
> Oct 17 17:20:02 FC4 RT:  at /usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/ line 170
> RT::Date::Set('RT::Date=HASH(0xacde74c)', 'Format', 'ISO', 'Value',
> 1129540502) called at /usr/local/rt3/bin/create_incident line 85
> (/usr/local/rt3/lib/
> # in /usr/local/rt3/bin/create_incident
> my $now = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser);
> $now->SetToNow();
> my $date = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser);
> my $timeFrom = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser);
> open(FILE, ">/var/log/myerror.log");
> print FILE "1 TimeFrom: " . $timeFrom . "\n";
> $timeFrom -> Set(Format => 'ISO', Value=> $now-> ISO);
> print FILE "2 TimeFrom: " . $timeFrom . "\n";
> $timeFrom -> Set(Format => 'ISO', Value=> $timeFrom->
> SubtractSeconds($timeInterval));  # line 85
> print FILE "3 TimeFrom: " . $timeFrom . "\n";
> close FILE;
> # dumped message from myerror.log
> 1 TimeFrom: RT::Date=HASH(0x997874c)
> 2 TimeFrom: RT::Date=HASH(0x997874c)
> 3 TimeFrom: RT::Date=HASH(0x997874c)
> Can someone please comment on it?
> Thanks,
> -Eric.

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