On Tue, 12 Dec 2005, Philip Garrett wrote:

> Does anyone know of a way to get strftime (or DateTime) to return the
> "appropriate" format for years, regardless whether the locale is in
> Common Era or Buddhist Era?

Just to follow up, I ended up solving this by subclassing DateTime.  I
added a "buddhist_era_year" method to my subclass, and just replaced
%{ce_year} with %{buddhist_era_year} in my patterns for the Thai locale.

  package My::DateTime;
  use base qw(DateTime);
  sub buddhist_era_year { $_[0]->ce_year + 543 }

  # then, in some Thai locale package:
  my $pattern = DateTime::Locale->load('th')->long_datetime_format;
  $pattern =~ s/ce_year/buddhist_era_year/g;

  print My::DateTime->now->strftime($pattern);

All of my application modules use this class instead of using DateTime
directly, so if the current locale happens to be Thai, you'll get years
in B.E.

  • Buddhist era dates Garrett, Philip \(MAN-Corporate\)
    • Buddhist era dates Garrett, Philip \(MAN-Corporate\)

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