I have written a new module that simply parses dates in several different
formats. The reason I have written this on is that every existing parser from
this project that I've tried has fallen short in one area or another,
particularly in parsing our most commonly used format, "MM/dd/yyyy".

*       DateTime::Format::DateManip:
        Try this from any location that recognizes Daylight Saving Time:

        my $dt = DateTime::Format::DateManip->parse_datetime( "1/1/2006" );
        $dt->truncate( to => 'day' );
        print( $dt );
        >> 2005-12-31T00:00:00

        This is obviously incorrect, but there is not way that I know of to fix
it, because Date::Manip takes the local time zone and DST status into account,
even though it's not specified.

*       DateTime::Format::DateParse. Will not parse dates prior to 12/14/1901.
In some systems (Informix, particularly), the "zero" or epoch date is
12/31/1899.  Therefore this one will not work either.

*       None of the other parsers I've found will parse "MM/DD/YYYY" format
(along with the many other formats).

Right now, I've called the module "DateTime::Format::SimpleParser". If anyone
has a suggestion for a better name, I'm all ears. Also, what is the best way for
me to get this module to the community for use (I have no idea how to upload it
to CPAN, so if that's the best way, could someone point me in the right

Peter Conrey
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground

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