Matthew wrote:
Alternately, use DateTime:

I tried to do so. The problem is that the date's are stored in the users local timezone and we only store the offset from GMT. (ex: -6 or 7)

Is there some array or table I can use to convert '-6' to something DateTime:: can use?

Epochs are UTC on most systems, so you're probably storing them as UTC ..

-6 is meaningless and so useless for DST calculations.

Last week Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane were all +1000. Now Melbourne and Sydney are +1100, but Brisbane is still +1000. And Hobart switched from +1000 to +1100 a few weeks earlier.

Unless you have more information that '-6' then you'll never be able to properly convert across a DST change.

You could, of course, continue to use the UTC time zone. But you still can't properly turn that into the user's local time zone as it's no longer -6, but -7 or some such.

Rick Measham

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