On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 04:46:56PM +0100, Zefram said:
> A "recurring event" is not a single event.  It is a structured group of
> events.  You should have distinct classes for single event and recurrence.
> Most of the methods you list are applicable to one class or the other,
> not both.

Hmm, I disagree. In every calendaring system I've come across a 
recurring event and a single event are represented as the same thing 
only with different properties. A recurring event is a single entity - 
it is one thing and should only be stored one time.

Using your description, a one-off event could be described as a 
structured group containing only one event.

A recurring event can and will have all the same characteristics of a 
single event  - a title, a description, a duration, attendants, privacy 
level - although all may be overriden by specific instances of the 

It might be that a RecurrentEvent could be a subclass of SingleEvent. Or 
vice versa, or both are subclasses of a GenericEvent object, but that's 
more of an implementation detail rather than a conceptual detail.


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