Hi there,

You may or may not remember me from a while back I was toying with
writing a module to compute the bank holidays for England and wales.
I've actually written this code and am now at the point where I'd like
to contribute! Yay, I'm quite excited about this because despite being a
perl dev for 3 years this will be my first contribution. 

In light of this I'm looking for a little guidance, I've rtfm a little
in respect of: perlmodinstall, perlmodlib, perlmodstyle, and perlnewmod.
I already knew most of this except  perlnewmod which put me on to
module-starter and this answered a lot of questions I was going to ask.
I'm in the process of moving the code and documentation that I've
written, out of my module into the stubs created by module-starter. 

The point of this email I guess is that I wanted to get the list's
opinion/advice on whether they wanted to see my code or should I just
upload it to CPAN?
I really like using DateTime it feels clean and right, and if I'm going
to contribute I'd like it to be in a similar vien and not utter dross. 


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