On Tue, 12 Mar 2013, Bill Moseley wrote:

So, I found some old that wrapped a set_time_zone in an eval.

my $dt = DateTime->new(
   year => 2013,
   month => 3,
   day => 10,
   hour => 2,
   minute => 4,
   time_zone => 'floating',

eval { $dt->set_time_zone( 'America/Los_Angeles' ); };

print "$dt " . $dt->time_zone . "\n";

The code was using the eval to check if the timezone set failed, and if it
did went on to do something else with $dt (like set to UTC).   But, it
seems like even if it fails the time zone gets set.  The above returns this
invalid time:


My question is should DateTime associate that timezone to $dt if the
set_time_zone call actually throws an exception?

This is almost certainly a bug.


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