Title: RE: DSP Stack Memory Map


        So what exactly do I have to purchase to get to the stage where I can recompile the codec server to occupy a smaller memory footprint? Does the DVSDK come with the codec server sources?



From: Ring, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:56 PM
To: Jerry Johns; davinci-linux-open-source@linux.davincidsp.com
Subject: RE: DSP Stack Memory Map


The copy codec packages (e.g. codecs.videnc_copy) include libraries - and even sources(!), and are there as examples for the Codec Engine product.  Provided you have all the DSP-side requirements (provided with the DVSDK) like DSP-side compilers, DSP/BIOS, Framework Components, etc, you should be fully enabled to create the 2 example servers provided with the Codec Engine product (i.e. video_copy and all_codecs).  These servers only integrate the copy codecs.


The "real" codec packages (e.g. ti.sdo.codecs.h264enc) provided with the DVEVM/DVSDK, provide neither libraries nor sources, and are there only because the configuration step required for Codec Engine applications (on the ARM) requires the "packaging" from the codecs they will be instantiating.  That packaging, for example, enables the configuration tooling (i.e. XDC) to know the type of codec it is... so, for example, we know you don't need to link in the speech support libraries, and so we don't allow you to accidentally AUDDEC_create() a video encoder.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jerry Johns
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 10:39 AM
To: davinci-linux-open-source@linux.davincidsp.com
Subject: RE: DSP Stack Memory Map

But then how do they expect us to compile the video_copy server, and the associated codecs (videnc_copy, viddec_copy) with it? How are these different from the encode,decode demos H264 codecs in terms of compilability?


-----Original Message-----
From: DDV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:31 PM
To: davinci-linux-open-source@linux.davincidsp.com
Subject: DSP Stack Memory Map


>The encode server is just made of the two h264 codecs that are already given
>to us as packages in the codecs directory - so I was thinking I can change
>the cfg files in the video_copy to make this possible
You can't do it with DVEVM only. DVEVM packages have not any codecs. It have package definitions
for codecs but it have not libraries with codecs.

If you want to build DSP server with codecs then you need buy DVSDK and
codecs libraries from TI. But price for this codecs is very very high.


 DDV                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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