Ring, Chris wrote:
> It may not have been clear, there's sort of a 2 phase resource management:
>    1.  At build/config time where the resources are statically partitioned - 
> some for ARM, some for DSP - and given to their respective CPU-specific 
> resource managers.  I think originally we simply cut the DMA resources in 
> half and gave half to each CPU.

This is what will need changed eventually. The sooner the better.
My patch at least gets the our mpeg4 codec running again.
But I agree will Kevin that this is not a long term solution.

Is TI looking into this?

>    2.  At run time where SW on each CPU (e.g. drivers/codecs) asks the 
> CPU-specific resource manager for resources from their CPU-specific partition.
> There's no current support for the DSP resource manager stealing resources 
> from Linux or vice-versa.  The initial partitioning takes place once up front 
> (in unfortunately 2 different you-can-easily-introduce-collisions ways).
> I guess my comment was just cautioning us against stuff like this...

Thanks for the info

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