Unless we see a release of SQLite that recommended updating, or reach
a complete resolution to the various refactoring stuff that's being
committed into the repository, or someone hits a critical bug, I
consider the current release to be both stable and worth letting sit
for a while, so there's time for all of downstream to converge.

The release of DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation (for me) doesn't add any
weight to the need to update.

Adam K

2009/7/30 Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net>:
> I noticed that Audrey released another DBD-SQLite-Amalgamation, after a year
> of not, that is said to be equivalent to the latest official dev release,
> citing that it would be redundant once the official release is no longer
> dev.
> Considering this, is it reasonable to push an official stable release of
> some kind now that has 3.6.16, or is it better to continue to wait on that
> front?
> -- Darren Duncan
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