file: $CPAN/authors/id/H/HM/HMBRAND/DBD-Unify-0.75.tgz
  size: 47569 bytes
   md5: 0be9e5fd772db8f210fe434f4d1abcbf

As the debug levels have changes, this might (or might not) be
considered a backward incompatible port. Fact is that it now
more closely follows the DBI specs.

*** Release 0.75 - Tue 23 Sep 2008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    - Three-level dbd_verbose and documentation
    - $ENV{DBD_TRACE} sets $dbh->{dbd_verbose} on/before connect
    - New tests for $h->trace (...) and $h->{dbd_verbose}
    - Added type_info_all (), get_info (), and parse_trace_flag ()
    - Note that identifiers are now quoted
    - Override quote_identifier () (UNIFY has no CATALOGS)
    - Accept 2-arg and 3-arg ->do ()
    - Accept %attr to ->prepare ()
    - Raised all verbose levels by 1. 1 and 2 are now DBI only
    - Removed 05-reauth.t
    - NULLABLE now always 2, as it doesn't work
    - Implemented CursorName  sth attribute
    - Implemented ParamValues sth attribute
    - Implemented ParamTypes  sth attribute
    - Implemented RowsInCache sth attribute (always 0)
    - Tested with Unify 6.3AB on HP-UX 10.20 with perl 5.8.8
    - Tested with Unify 8.2BC on HP-UX 11.00 with perl 5.8.8
    - Tested with Unify 8.3I  on HP-UX 11.23 with perl 5.10.0
    - Tested with Unify 8.3K  on AIX with perl 5.8.8
      Tests will fail on older perls, as the test cases use scalarIO

*** Release 0.72 - Fri 23 Apr 2008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    - Kindly tell CPAN smokers not to bother when there is no Unify
    - Add a correct(ed) META.yml
    - Move to EU::MM's prompt () function for the questions

*** Release 0.71 - Fri 04 Jan 2008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    - Small change in Makefile.PL for HP-UX 11.23 ia64
    - Refactor the date stuff in t/20-uni-basic
      we need more tests for %ENV variable setting like
      $LC_ALL, $DATEFMT etc

Enjoy, Have FUN!

H.Merijn Brand          Amsterdam Perl Mongers
using & porting perl 5.6.2, 5.8.x, 5.10.x, 5.11.x on HP-UX 10.20, 11.00,
11.11, 11.23, and 11.31, SuSE 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3, AIX 5.2, and Cygwin. 

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