On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 10:55:37AM -0800, David Wheeler wrote:
> On Mar 10, 2004, at 10:39 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:
> >Any idea why your perl v5.8.2 has .../5.6.1/... in its @INC?
> Could it be because site_perl should have pure Perl modules in it, and 
> so they should always work for later versions of Perl? I don't know the 
> answer, really; it was put into @INC when I built 5.8.2 on this box.

What does "perl -V" report?


p.s. The big problem with this problem is that the test can't tell that
BerkeleyDB has a problem until the test ends. And that's a problem.
I don't want to get into using system("perl -MBerkeyeyDB ...") because
that opens up a whole new set of problems. If lots of people have
this problem then DBI 1.42 has a problem. Do you see the problem?

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