On 7/2/05, Dean Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  >   - Asynchronous queries (coroutines?  threads?)
> Threads. If you've ever done much Java/JDBC work, you'll
> realize how much simpler a solution to async it is.
> (Ignoring the rest of Java/JDBC's undesirable traits)

A couple quarters ago I submitted a proposal to write a general
pragma delivering sugar to simply wrap any module with message-passing,
including worker process/thread pooling and testing against DBI to the
TPF, I guess the proposal has expired by now.  Anyway this can be
solved in a general way that is larger than DBI, and get it solved in
DBI "for free."

> 5. A better set of metadata for DBDs to report the functionality
> they support. E.g., today, the only way to find out if a DBD
> is threadsafe (at runtime) seems to be try it and hope for the best.

This is another problem that would better be solved at a higher level than
for DBI exclusively.  There are other projects with plug-in architectures,
and there are meta.yaml files -- the problem turns into, who names the
functionalities and what are the standard names of the levels of support,
and back-documenting the massive base of CPAN modules that wouldn't
have function level listings in their metadata files.  Support for
modules indicating
in a better fashion what versions of Perl they require would be very
closely related.

Maybe the next META.yaml comittee meeting might produce a document describing
a way for modules to identify the levels at which they support names
and the next DBI standard could mandate a set of functionalities
that would have to be listed in conforming database drivers.


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