Erik Aronesty wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Martin J. Evans
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there anything special a subclassed DBI module (DBIx::Log4perl in
>> this case) needs to do for the clone method?
>> The DBI docs currently say "The clone method duplicates the $dbh
>> connection by connecting with the same parameters ($dsn, $user,
>> $password) as originally used." but I don't see any call to connect when
>> clone is called.
> Presumably the "clone" method gives the driver an opportunity to
> duplicate an already-connected connection in a more efficient way than
> simply reconnecting from "scratch".

It would appear so. I've added a "mock" clone method to DBIx::Log4perl
and obviously it is called but I never see a second call to connect so
either I am misunderstanding things here and/or the docs are a


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