Great looks like a release on Monday

John Scoles

Just one more thing has come up in like the last 15min

can you redo your the make test with the  following file

It is a trivial change but just want to make sure it does not break

It still compiles without warnings and passes all its tests.
if is a change to precision for OCIDateTimeToText to 6 instead of 0 for
varrays of timestamps

needed to conduct a large scale experiment of some sort

John Scoles

Charles Jardine wrote:
On 28/01/10 15:59, John Scoles wrote:
Well here comes the big #5

It can be found at the usual place
My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
charset AL16UTF16.

RC5 compiles without warnings and passes all its tests, including
the regression tests for my object patches. I have run some sample
work at trace level 15 - there are no segfaults.

In short, I can't find anything wrong with it.

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