Jens Rehsack wrote:
> Hi DBI and DBD developers,
> I have some open points for DBD::File I'd like to ask for feedback on them.
> The first two are related to the table meta data.
> 1) I introduced simple getters and setters for DBD::File table's meta
>    data (look for get_file_meta and set_file_meta in
>    lib/DBD/File/Developers.pod). Merijn and me came over to extend
>    this interface with some wild cards:
>    - '.': default - read, the attributes of the database handle is
>           delivered/modified (even through a proxy, which was the
>           primary intention)
>    - '*': all - the attribute of all tables (and the default one)
>           is modified
>    - '+': as '*', but restricted to all ANSI conform tables names
>           (default isn't touched)
>    - qr//: all tables matching the regex are affected

I read Developers.pod and did not notice these wild cards but I'll
assume they are implemented and not documented as yet.

>   The question is related to the getter: how should the attributes being
>   returned (or more: what API should be supported)?
>   Let me explain a bit deeper the cause of the question. set_file_meta
>   can be called using the table_name as first argument, the attribute
>   name as second one and the new attribute value as third argument.
>   It sounds reasonable to allow following call, too:
>   $dbh->func( $tname, { attr1 => val1, attr2 => val2 },
>               'set_file_meta' );
>   Consequently get_file_meta should be able to return more than one
>   attribute, shouldn't it? So we have 3 situations for get_file_meta
>   regarding the expected return values:
>   a) 1 table, 1 attribute - expected return value is a scalar
>   b) n tables, 1 attribute - expected return value is a hash of
>      table names pointing to the scalar value of the attribute
>      belonging to that table
>   c) n tables, m attributes - expected return value is a hash of
>      table names pointing to a hash of attribute names containing
>      the attribute values of the affected table
>   I rate it to complex in API and need external thoughts :)

I never like APIs where you need to examine the result to know what sort
of result you have; I prefer to know up front what I'm going to get. In
that respect I presume (a) is ok since at most it can return the
attribute value or perhaps undef. (b) and (c) could be combined into
always returning:

    table1 => {attr1 => value, attr2 => value},
    table2 => {attr1 => value, attr2 => value},

Just a thought.

> 2) backward compatibility of depreciated structures per table of DBD::CSV,
>    DBD::AnyData (and maybe later DBD::PO or DBD::DBM). DBD::CSV had a
>    structure $dbh->{csv_tables}{$tname}{...} - which is now handled via
>    $dbh->{f_meta}{$tname}{...} ... - DBD::AnyData had the same with
>    $dbh->{ad_tables}{$tname}{...}.
>    Both had several attributes in their which were not synchronized
>    between both DBD's. Further, the $dbh->{f_meta} structure contains
>    the table names after they walked through an internal filter
>    (suggested by mje) which handles the identifier case. An additional
>    structure $dbh->{f_meta_map} is used to hold the map between the
>    original table name (from SQL statement or through the getter/setter)
>    and the internal used identifier.
>    Because it could be very difficult to manage backward compatibility
>    there, I would like to have a solution which can be plugged in as
>    early as possible:
>    a) $dbh->{csv_tables} or $dbh->{ad_tables} should become a tied hash
>       which access the table's meta data using the get_table_meta method
>       from the table implementor class.

Sounds ok to me if you need that backwards compatibility.

>    b) further, the meta data which can be accessed through this tie
>       should be tied, too - to allow overriding FETCH/STORE methods which
>       could handle the mapping between old attribute names and new
>       attribute names.

If you want/need to go that far in maintaining compatibility.

How much code relies on these attributes - is it all possible to know?

>    While I rate being 2a more important than 2b, I would like to get
>    feedback for both ideas. Discarding 2a could result in inconsistent
>    entries in $dbh->{f_meta} which could lead the DBD into unpredictable
>    behavior.

> My third question has lesser implications :)
> 3) Merijn and me had the idea to let the users decide on connection
>    whether to use DBI::SQL::Nano or SQL::Statement - not globally via
>    DBI_SQL_NANO environment variable.
>    Because of the handling of the handles for the dr, db and st
>    instances of a DBD I hoped to get some suggestions how we could
>    implement a similar behavior for DBD::File::Statement and
>    DBD::File::Table.

Don't understand the question - sorry.

> Thanks for all answers in advance,
> Jens

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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