On Jul 6, 7:36 am, sco...@pythian.com (John Scoles) wrote:
> Gee didn't know anyone else was even interested in DRCP.  good to see
> there is some interest

I know this post is more than a month old, but I am very excited about
this. I just found that DBD::Oracle 1.2.5 was nearly ready. I have
been looking forward to DRCP support for awhile now. We have Oracle
11.1 and 11.2 running on HP-UX with Perl 5.10, and we have a
production app that makes thousands of connections a day using Perl
(and a web interface in PHP that does the same thing, but it has
pooling there.)

Anyway, I am looking forward to getting this onto our test system, and
trying it out.

Thanks for all your hard work.


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