On 14/01/11 14:30, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> Maybe this is a feature request, but if I have
>   ORACLE_USERID=john/sekrit
>   DBI_USER=pablo
>   DBI_PASS=neruda
> I *do* expect that DBD::Oracle uses DBI_USER and DBI_PASS *instead of*
> the ORACLE_USERID. Anyone can come up with a good reason why this os
> not happening at the moment?
> How do other DBD's set precedence if environment variable are allowed
> for login credentials?

Just a minor point (not saying it stops the discussion) but I don't think 
ORACLE_USERID is something DBD::Oracle defines (other than in test code in 
t/*). So is your point to do with running tests in t/* or in general?

$ export ORACLE_USERID=wrong/wrong
$ export DBI_USER=real_user
$ export DBI_PASS=valid_password
$ export DBI_DSN='dbi:Oracle:host=betoracle.easysoft.local;sid=devel'
$ perl -le 'use DBI; my $h = DBI->connect();'

works for me. i.e., ORACLE_USERID contains invalid username/password and 
DBI_USER/DBI_PASS contain valid username/password and it connects fine.

Perhaps I misunderstood you Merijn.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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