On 17/02/2011 7:34 AM, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:32:12 +0100, "H.Merijn Brand"
<h.m.br...@xs4all.nl>  wrote:


You need to work on longdouble support I guess
Here's a patch to make the test PASS on all systems, but I'm not sure
if I'm using a carpet to shuv the problems under ...
Yep I think that is exactly what you are doing.
I will have to look exactly at this to see what is going in but your test and the code below will help

Will get back to you soon

I hope

--- t/58object.t.org    2011-02-17 13:33:48.000000000 +0100
+++ t/58object.t        2011-02-17 13:33:25.000000000 +0100
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (
              or die $dbh->errstr;
  $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (2, $sub_type(NULL, 'obj2',
                      TO_DATE('2004-11-30 14:27:18', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
-                    12345.6789)) }
+                    12345.9375)) }
              ) or die $dbh->errstr;
-$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (3, $sub_type(5, 'obj3', NULL, 
777.666)) }
+$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (3, $sub_type(5, 'obj3', NULL, 
777.875)) }
              ) or die $dbh->errstr;

  $dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE $inner_type AS OBJECT (
@@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ ok (scalar @row2, 'new: Fetch second row
  cmp_ok(ref $row2[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 2 column 2 is an 
  cmp_ok(uc $row2[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: Row 2 column 2 
object type");
  is_deeply([$row2[1]->attributes], ['NUM', undef, 'NAME', 'obj2',
-            'DATETIME', '2004-11-30T14:27:18', 'AMOUNT', '12345.6789'], "new: Row 1 
column 2 object attributes");
+            'DATETIME', '2004-11-30T14:27:18', 'AMOUNT', '12345.9375'], "new: Row 1 
column 2 object attributes");

  @row3 = $sth->fetchrow();
  ok (scalar @row3, 'new: Fetch third row');
  cmp_ok(ref $row3[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 3 column 2 is an 
  cmp_ok(uc $row3[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: Row 3 column 2 
object type");
  is_deeply([$row3[1]->attributes], ['NUM', 5, 'NAME', 'obj3',
-            'DATETIME', undef, 'AMOUNT', '777.666'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object 
+            'DATETIME', undef, 'AMOUNT', '777.875'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object 

  ok (!$sth->fetchrow(), 'new: No more rows expected');

@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ my $expected_hash = {
          NUM         =>  5,
          NAME        =>  'obj3',
          DATETIME    =>  undef,
-        AMOUNT      =>  777.666,
+        AMOUNT      =>  777.875,
  is_deeply($obj->attr_hash, $expected_hash, 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash');
  is_deeply($obj->attr, $expected_hash, 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr');

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