On 22/02/12 11:09, Dave Mitchell wrote:
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 10:04:45AM +0000, Martin J. Evans wrote:
DBI.xs(4291) : error C2275: 'SV' : illegal use of this type as an expression
         C:\Perl\lib\CORE\perl.h(2243) : see declaration of 'SV'
Lines 4291 and 4292 are:
     (void)MY_CXT; /* avoid 'unused variable' warning */

Hopefully the diff below should fix it. Need declarations before code!

It didn't:

(void)cv; // THIS IS LINE 4291
    (void)items; /* avoid 'unused variable' warning */
(void)MY_CXT; /* avoid 'unused variable' warning */

DBI.xs(4291) : error C2275: 'SV' : illegal use of this type as an expression
        C:\Perl\lib\CORE\perl.h(2243) : see declaration of 'SV'
DBI.xs(4291) : error C2065: 'my_cxt_sv' : undeclared identifier
DBI.xs(4291) : error C2275: 'my_cxt_t' : illegal use of this type as an expressi
        DBI.xs(294) : see declaration of 'my_cxt_t'
DBI.xs(4291) : error C2065: 'my_cxtp' : undeclared identifier
DBI.xs(4291) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'SV *' differs in levels of indirecti
on from 'int'
DBI.xs(4291) : warning C4024: 'Perl_sv_setuv' : different types for formal and a
ctual parameter 2
DBI.xs(4292) : error C2100: illegal indirection
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\c
l.EXE"' : return code '0x2'

It is possible the following is the relevant code after preprocessing:

#line 4344 "DBI.c"

void XS_DBI_constant(register PerlInterpreter* my_perl , CV* cv);
void XS_DBI_constant(register PerlInterpreter* my_perl , CV* cv)

    extern int Perl___notused ; SV **sp = (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(my_perl)); I32 
ax = (*(*Perl_Tmarkstack_ptr_ptr(my_perl))--); register SV **mark = 
(*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(my_perl)) + ax++; I32 items = (I32)(sp - mark);

#line 4353 "DBI.c"
    I32 ix = ((XPVCV*)(cv)->sv_any)->xcv_xsubany.any_i32;
    if (items != 0)
       S_croak_xs_usage(my_perl, cv,"");
        I32     RETVAL;
        SV * const targ = (((*Perl_Top_ptr(my_perl))->op_private & 32) ? 
((*Perl_Tcurpad_ptr(my_perl))[(*Perl_Top_ptr(my_perl))->op_targ]) : 
#line 4387 "DBI.xs"
    RETVAL = ix;
#line 4362 "DBI.c"
        (sp = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(my_perl)) + ax - 1); do { Perl_sv_setiv(my_perl, 
targ,(IV)((IV)RETVAL)); do { do { if (((targ)->sv_flags & 0x00004000)) 
Perl_mg_set(my_perl, targ); } while (0); (*++sp = (targ)); } while (0); } while (0);
    do { const IV tmpXSoff = (1); (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(my_perl)) = 
(*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(my_perl)) + ax + (tmpXSoff - 1); return; } while (0);

but the lines numbers in the preprocessed output don't seem to match up.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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