Pali, there's a very simple solution to what you said. The old DBD::mysql does not get further maintenance at all. It is simply frozen at the 4.041/3 state forever. This serves the primary reason for that to exist, which is that people whose package managers automatically upgrade to the highest number of a namespace don't introduce new corruption due to a higher version changing behavior being relied on. All development can be under the new namespace full stop, assuming what you say is true that no one would want to backport anything to the otherwise frozen version. -- Darren Duncan

On 2017-11-09 12:54 AM, wrote:
On Tuesday 07 November 2017 13:19:23 Darren Duncan wrote:
A maintenance branch would exist starting from the 4.041/3 release on which
further stable releases named DBD::mysql 4.x would be made, and the primary
goal of this branch is to not break/corrupt anything that relied on 4.041
behavior. So people with legacy projects that just use DBD::mysql and made
particular assumptions on its handling of Unicode or Blobs etc won't have
corruption introduced because DBD::mysql changed its handling of those

As those people or projects misuse some internals of perl we cannot
guarantee anything such that which may be broken or changed by updating
any module from cpan or external source not related to DBD::mysql.

Maintaining such thing is something what I believe nobody wants. For
sure I'm not.

As already stated more times, if there is some code which depends on
some internals, it should stay conserved in tested version as it can
break by updating anything (also unrelated). There is no other option
how to achieve that code stay working and does not corrupt something

People without knowledge of CPAN or the development process will
get something that just continues to work for them and doesn't corrupt.

As explained above (and also in past) it is not possible to guarantee.

all intents and purposes this branch would be frozen but could have select
security or bug fixes that comply with the mandate and don't involve
changing Unicode etc.

Are you going to maintain that branch with all problems which it brings?

Or is there anybody else who want to maintain such crap?

If not, then it does not make sense to talk about this. Because nobody
expressed that is going to do such thing for 6 months which is really
large amount of time.

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