
I would like to announce a new DBI driver for MariaDB and MySQL
databases. As stated in the email [1] which I sent to this mailing list
about a half year ago, we in the GoodData company decided to create a
fork of the old DBD::mysql driver under the name DBD::MariaDB.

The source code of this new driver is now public, avaiable in our git
repository on GitHub [2]. After we declare it stable we would like to
upload it to CPAN, too.

We hope that this new DBD::MariaDB driver would be useful also for
others and we are open for pull requests or other bug fixes from the

Major changes in DBD::MariaDB since DBD::mysql 4.043 are:

* Correct Unicode support according to the standard Perl Unicode model
* Better compatibility with the MariaDB client library
* Fixes for security issues, SSL/TLS (BACKRONYM and Riddle vulnerabilities)
* Fixes for ZEROFILL columns and magic scalars (needed by Amavis)
* Extended Travis-CI testing

[1] - https://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.dbi.dev/2017/08/msg8030.html
[2] - https://github.com/gooddata/DBD-MariaDB

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