
First of all - let's make it official - I stated about a month ago I
will no longer be involved in maintenance of the DBD::mysql module,
which I have been involved in since 2013.
Since 2014 I'm not using MySQL professionally anymore, and since 2015
I'm no longer doing Perl... it was fun while it lasted but I no longer
feel the urge to work on the project.

Luckily Patrick found long time contributor Daniƫl wanting to
contribute, that will surely help. And of course, pull requests are
more than welcome!

But what I wanted to share was, Patrick made a release last week,
4.047, which was not properly installable for people because it did
not list Devel::CheckLib as a configures prereq in META.json. Or
actually, it did, but the file was corrupted:

So I celebrated my no-longer-taking-part-in-maintaining DBD::mysql by
releasing a non-broken version of the module to CPAN, this is the diff


Does anyone know how you could create the corrupted META files which
were in the 4.047 release? And what could be done to prevent similar
issues in the future?
I thought it might be a possibility for PAUSE to check validity of the
file to prevent indexing broken releases. Does that sound logical?
Or should we just not bother with trying automated prevention and
simply take a little care before uploading a module?


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