On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 11:46:57PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
> Question:
> Are there any plans to sunset support for older Perl versions such as 5.8.x
> in DBI in the foreseeable future or is the plan to continue to support
> 5.8.1+ indefinitely until something unforeseen thing prevents it?

To the extent that there's a plan at all, that's it.

> I ask because I plan to introduce new database-related CPAN modules and am
> starting to think about what minimum Perl version I should support.  By
> default the answer would be 5.8.0+ because that doesn't exclude anything
> that DBI itself supports.  But if DBI later say decided to require 5.10.0+
> or something else newer than 5.8.x then I would likely follow suit.  I don't
> actually need any Perl features newer than what 5.8.0 provides, but I would
> leverage some for cleaner coding if they were available.
> Thank you for any insight.

Support whatever version you feel comfortable supporting.


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