My CGI application will be called by different users at different times. Are you saying the first user's connection can be left open for all the other users? How?


Most people with experience with Oracle know that opening oracle connections
is SLOW!

Oracle does not appear to consider that a problem, just like they do not
consider slow performance for doing DDL a problem

Applications that require near real time (OLTP) response times open
connections once, and hold open oracle connections across transactions.
This is true regardless of the language on the client side.  That is why,
for instance, Websphere caches pooled connections in the java world.


-----Original Message----- From: Tim Bunce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 12:06 PM To: Paul Appleby Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Slow connection to Oracle 9i

On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 10:38:23AM -0400, Paul Appleby wrote:

>DBD::Oracle::dr::load_dbnames is only called by data_sources() >so don't call data_sources() unless you really need to.

 I really do need to call  data_sources() but the time it takes to
 retrieve data, as shown above, using "Time::HiRes" is only
 0.0100140571594238 seconds. So that's not the issue.

dprofpp showed it to take approx the same time as login:

 %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
  21.6   0.090  0.090      1   0.0900 0.0900  DBD::Oracle::db::_login
  21.6   0.090  0.159      1   0.0899 0.1592  DBD::Oracle::dr::load_dbnames
  21.6   0.090  0.159      6   0.0149 0.0265  main::BEGIN

Anyway, I think there's little you can do from DBI to make Oracle connections faster than you already have. Look to changes on the Oracle side - for which other mailing lists (such as oracle-l) are more suitable.



Paul Appleby

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