
if you think it's a DBD::ODBC issue, why not use DBD::Sybase instead?


"Moosmann, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
19/10/2004 16:17

        cc:     "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, (bcc: Dan 
        Subject:        RE: Invalid cursor state when using PRINT in MSSQL

It is VERY VALID syntax for both MSSQL ... AND.. Sybase.  I have been 
in Perl and DBI for several years now and I am NOT trying to use the perl
print function.  Here is the skinny on PRINT direct from our DBA for MSSQL
Server PRINT :
The PRINT statement takes either one character or a Unicode string
expression as a parameter. It returns the string as a message to the
application. The message is returned as an informational error in ADO, OLE
DB, and ODBC applications. SQLSTATE is set to 01000, the native error is 
to 0, and the error message string is set to the character string 
in the PRINT statement. The string is returned to the message handler
call-back function in DB-Library applications. 
The example I gave is just minimal (...sigh) to display the error, and I 
not sure if you understand the question. 
I asked this question in Perl Monks and got this informative reply:
PRINT '...begin' select * from foo.bar.mytable


In:    hstmt = 0x00991FB8, szSqlStr = "", cbSqlStr = -3


stmt:    szSqlState = "01000", *pfNativeError = 0, *pcbErrorMsg = 55,
*ColumnNumber = -1, *RowNumber

+ = 1

    MessageText = "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL 

Get Data All:

    -1 rows affected by INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE or other statement.

"col1", "col2", "col3"

1, "row1", "row1"

2, "row2", "row2"

2 rows fetched from 3 columns.

MS SQL Server help also mentions that you have to call SQLError right 
statement is executed. 

The timing of calling SQLError is critical when output from PRINT or
RAISERROR statements are included in a result set. The call to SQLError to
retrieve the PRINT or RAISERROR output must be made immediately after the
statement that receives SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. This is
straightforward when only a single SQL statement is executed, as in the
examples above. In these cases, the call to SQLExecDirect or SQLExecute
returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO and SQLError can then be 
It is less straightforward when coding loops to handle the output of a 
of SQL statements or when executing SQL Server stored procedures.

I have researched this and this looks like a ODBC driver issue. You get 
first print and the select if you use Sybase, but you don't get the ending
PRINT.  We have some VERY long running an complex queries and the PRINTS 
embedded in STORED PROCEDURES.  I am trying to use the output of the 
to give feedback to the user when the queries will finish. 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 9:08 PM
To: Moosmann, James
Subject: Re: Invalid cursor state when using PRINT in MSSQL

my $sql = qq#
PRINT 'starting select'
select count(*) from anytable
PRINT 'finished'

is not valid sql. 

try this: 

my $sql = qq#
select count(*) from anytable

my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );

print 'starting select'; 
my $rv = $sth->execute();

while ( my $hr = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ){

   print $$hr{$_}, "\n" for ( keys %$hr );
   print "Err: ", $dbh->errstr, "\n" if $dbh->errstr;

print 'finished'; 

Jeff Seger
Fairchild Semiconductor

                 "Moosmann, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

10/18/2004 06:46 PM 

        To:        "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
        Subject:        Invalid cursor state when using PRINT in MSSQL

I am using DBI and DBD-ODBC to connect to an MSSQL Server and this query
gets an invalid cursor state:

PRINT 'starting select'
select count(*) from anytable
PRINT 'finished'

If I only run the PRINT command... it works.

If I run the full query against a sybase server... only the top select

I am using:

Win32 AS-5.8.0 Multithread build 806 DBI(1.43)DBD::ODBC(1.07) MSSQL Server 
get a invalid cursor state when I run any SQL with a PRINT statement at 
beginning of any SQL statement. 

The error:
DBD::ODBC::st execute failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid
cursor state (SQL-24000)(DB
D: dbd_describe/SQLNumResultCols err=-1) at H:\progs\dbi_test.pl line 10.

Example code: 

use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:ODBC:TEST_DSN', '','', {RaiseError=> 1} );

my $sql = qq#
PRINT 'starting select'
select count(*) from anytable
PRINT 'finished'

my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );

my $rv = $sth->execute();

while ( my $hr = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ){

   print $$hr{$_}, "\n" for ( keys %$hr );
   print "Err: ", $dbh->errstr, "\n" if $dbh->errstr;


Does this have anything to do with how SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is being
handled by the driver?

How do I get all the results..



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