> On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 18:56, Jay Hannah wrote:
> > It looks like DBD::Sybase is still working
> For certain values of "working".

Indeed. The story of my life. -grin-

> FreeTDS unfortunately does not yet implement the full Client Library
> API, so there are a number of things that don't work.
> Specifically things like RPCs (that's the ct_param() stuff you saw) and
> placeholders are known not to work (yet).

Roger that. Thanks.

Hypothetically*, would you have any interest in a patch to exec.t (etc.) that 
would use Test::More and the SKIP blocks documented therein to skip tests if 
$ENV{SYBASE} =~ /freetds/? 

* In an imaginary universe where I was skilled/daring enough to attempt such a 

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