
I have a script that is connecting to two different databases , one is local and the other remote.
The local Informix DBI connection works a treat but I am having trouble getting the remote mysql connection to work.

I keep get error: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server.
I have checked and upgraded, and now both local and remote machines are running mysql 4.1, and the same client.
I have also checked and the mysql port is open on the remote server.

All the search results I could find regarding this error said to upgrade the the mysql server, which I have done and now
there should be no protocol barriers since they are running the same version.....

Does anyone have any ideas what may be causing this error other than different versions of the server. Or probably even better, some instructions on how to really "turn up" or "tweak" my dbh debugging so that I can get more details on the failed connection attempt.

this is my connection statement:
my $db2 = "dbname";
my $dbhMysql = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db2:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", 'uname', 'pword') || die print "Could not connect to database($db2): $!\n";
this being the same as my local connection (minus the host IP address) which does work.


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